Causing MORE PROBLEMS when they are trying to
Fix a Problem......
Jody Kahn at John Burns at John Burns Real Estate Consulting
Our survey of 188 home building executives last month turned up a very interesting, and disturbing, finding. More builders are shying away from selling homes to Vets because VA appraisers have become so conservative that the homes rarely close.
In addition, the low appraisals impact the value of future community sales, costing the builders significant money. Particularly disturbing are some of the VA procedures that make it difficult to challenge mistakes, as well as the impact the appraisals are having on other homes available for sale in the community. All of the builders we spoke with love selling homes to Vets, but many have grown so frustrated with the process that it is becoming financially questionable to continue.
Full article at ....
We are all thankful the Government is working on the housing dilemma, for sure. But, sudden over correcting to fix a big problem always causes more unseen damage. Come on, please start using some wisdom!
Thanks for reading, Larry
Blog Author & Founder